Thursday, October 31, 2013

What is education?

So what is Education? Education is a form of learning where you test your knowledge, skills, and habits. Education normally takes place under a teacher or professor, but may also be self-taught. Any thing that has to do with someone's thoughts, feels, or acts can be considered educational. Schools usually involve institutionalized teaching and learning in a specific order. School systems may also be based on religion. A formal education usually follows a specific curriculum. Basically what that means is a teacher will teach you a certain skill or ability whether it may be English or math. Education is a big part of life and should no be taken for granted. So study hard and don't goof off in school or you will be flipping burgers at some ghetto fast food restaurant!

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

What university is for you?

What university is best for you to get your education? Well depends where you live. The university i live closest too is California State University. But I would suggest you search around your area and find the best university in your eyes. Don't let anyone tell you what to do. Do what you want to do. Go to what ever university you want and get a education! It will affect your life in the long run dramatically. I am currently attending Sacramento State. I always wanted to go to this school and I kept pushing myself to try and get accepted there and i finally did. Find a university that has your type of major so you can get your kind of education. Think of what you want to major in and look for schools that have that major. Keep your grades up and study alot so you can come out strong with a AA degree or maybe even a BA degree. But if you want to push your self to the max and your major goes all the way to doctoral then go for it! What is stoping you? Go out and get the education you always wanted! Be something in this world and be proud of it! Good luck!

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

What do you think about Education?

Personally i think education is a important part of life. Without education and learning we are just cavemen throwing mud. Can't remember where i heard that but its true! Education teaches you think you need to know about life and living. How do you think people became rich and successful? They educated themselves and learned all about a certain major and stuck with it. Without education you can expect a job at a fast food restaurant or a grocery store. You don't want to be there for the rest of your life do you? Then go to a college or university and educate yourself. Education is a important part of life and you should push yourself to the limit to try and succeed! Search for a university near you and see what the requirements are! Once you find that out push yourself as hard as you can to get that degree in that special field you want! I am personally apply for a lot of university's around my city so i can get a really good education and support my family. I want you guys to do the same! Don't give up!

Monday, October 28, 2013

What is the oldest university in the United States?

So what is the oldest university in the United States? Well it was the University of Georgia. Located in Athens, Georgia, this university got its charter all the way back in 1785! Making it the first state-chartered public university in the United States. This university is ranked 20th overall among all the public university's in 2014. This university offers over 140 degree programs! This campus is over 759 acres wide and has roughly 389 building on it! Can't believe this has been here since 1785! I wonder what school was like back in that time.

How was fire discovered?

Fire was discovered many many years ago by humans. What happened was lighting struck down on earth hitting a tree and causing a fire in the forest. They then begin to wonder how to create this so called "fire". So they wondered what if i rub these two pieces of wood together? By rubbing the wood together fire was made and discovered by the human race.

Where did the tv come from?

A man named Philo Taylor Farnsworth was a American inventor and television pioneer. He made a lot of contributions that were viable to the early development of the electronic television. He is best known for inventing the very first full functional all-electronic image pickup device. He called it the "image dissector". He was also one of the first people to show this to the public. He developed a television system with a receiver and a camera, which he sold commercially in the firm of the Farnsworth Television and Radio Corporation, from 1938 to 1951.

How does gold form?

Gold is formed by the Earth's crust. The fluids move through the rocks over a large area and dissolve gold. When these fluids cool or react with other rocks the dissolved gold moves in cracks forming veins. As well as gold, the fluids carried other dissolved minerals, such as quartz. This is why gold is often found with quartz. These are known as primary gold deposits and to extract the gold the rock containing the veins of gold has to be dug up, crushed and processed.

How did World War 1 start?

A Serbian called Gavrilo Princip killed the Austro-Hungarian Duke Franz Ferdinand, in response Austro-Hungary threatened Serbia to give Princip up or else, but the Serbians didn't know who had killed Franz so could do nothing, Russia threatened Austro-Hungary not to invade, in turn the German Empire (who had a treaty with Austro-Hungary) threatened Russia, Britain and France threatened Germany as Britain and France had a treaty with Russia, Japan also helped Britain under the 1905 Anglo-Japanese Treaty. That was how it became a World War.

Who invented the first car?

So who invented the first modern automobile? It was Karl Benz. Who was a German engine designer and car engineer. Karl Benz loved bicycles and used this to his advantage when creating his first invention. His first invention was a wooden carriage with a four-stroke engine. Power was transmitted by two roller chains to the rear axle. Karl Benz finished this creation in 1885. Which was the very first modern automobile. You can see a replica of what it looked like to the left.

Who was the first Millionaire?

Here is a fun education fact. So who do you guys think the first millionaire was? Give up? It was Johann Jakob Astor. He was born in Walldorf on July 17, 1763. Walldorf is a town in Germany. He built a massive fur trading business and became rich off his success. He also was sort of a drug dealer. He was known to smuggle Opium. Last but not least he was a Realtor in New York. So overall you can say he was very successful in his life. On March 29, 1848 he died of natural causes giving his wealth to his family.

How did Halloween start?

 Ready for a little education? So how did Halloween start? It all started a very long time ago with a group of ancient Celts (a group of pre-Christian people who loved nature). They though October 31st the end of the year and always had a huge party which was called Samhain. They celebrated it because of the autumn harvest and the Celtic new year, where they thought spirits could come back and visit there loved ones. They put out food and drinks for the dead and left their houses open to give the spirits a entrance into their homes. Some people thought that if you left "treats" on the porch for the ghosts, this would make them happy and would not harm anyone. Later on, when Christianity spread, November 1st became a religious holiday known as All Saints' Day. The prayer that was told on this day was called Allhallowmas. The night before become known as Halloween.